Amy Winehouse Double page spread
I chose to do the Vibe Amy Winehouse double page spread because it is from my music genre and shows a few things that i can talk about.
One of the main reasons I chose it was that it is a very good way of showing feminism in the media as it is a very male orientated spread as she is in a little pair of shorts and a top this would attract men to reading this article as it is appealing to them in an attractive way.
There is also a pun in the main heading as well as a link with the picture and the words, we can see that in the heading it says ‘Amy’s ink house’ this is because she has a few tattoos and also she has opened as a tattoo artist as it says in the article. This is also linked to her name as her name is Amy Winehouse and the article then says ‘ink house’.
The heading is linked to the story in another way as well as the heading is done in ink like writing with a big blob dropping down the page just to add with the ink house Winehouse link.
The article shows what Amy is like really as it is an interview from her own tattoo house, it jokes around when in the article it says amy has a door mat which says ‘GO AWAY’ showing the readers her personality, as she has become a folk devil in the eyes of the public with people liking to dislike her.
In the article it says that Amy apologises for being late, this makes you think she was late by a lot but she was only late by 4 whole minutes as the author jokes around saying.
The interview is short and sweet, but it shows you a lot about her as a person and what she is up to in her life and a little incite to her world, this is a good way the magazine can increase sales as little article like this one may encourage people into buying the R&B ‘vibe’ magazine.
Analysis of ‘NME’ double page spread
The first double page spread is from the magazine ‘NME’ which Is probably the most commonly known music magazine.
In this double page spread you can see that the headline is one third of the way down the page, this is informality shows that the magazine is trying different things and is showing that the magazine is supposed for relaxed reading, that you could pick up and put down whenever you wanted to.
There is a big quote in the centre of the article this shows that it may be an important part of the article and it will grab the attention of the readers making them want to read through the article in depth.
The text is all the same right the way through same size and font going down the page in three section apart from in two place one being the big quote and the other is the huge letter t at the start of one of the paragraphs, this is another way of getting the reader to look at the article and look at that part of it as it is the section talking about her new album possibly getting people to buy it, it is a common trait often used in music magazines.
There is a clever pun in the top sun heading as it says ‘things have turned a lot darker in lykke li world and were not just talking about her hair’ as she was once blonde, this also makes people want to read on and find out about the other things turning dark in her life.
There is an opinion of her behaviour from the author in the first paragraph showing informality and is drawing the readers in as they want to know why he thinks this.
There is a three alliteration sentence of adjectives this sets the scene for the paragraph and for the author to express these adjectives, it describes her as a singer and person, there is a discography in the paragraph showing all of her previous songs this is advertising her previous work and allows for people reading to look for her already released songs.
The article isn’t as formal as a newspaper article this is so that you feel as though you are actually hearing or talking to the artist yourself, there is also a swear word used in the article this is so that it feels as though you are listening to the artist and she is speaking to you personally giving a sense of the artists voice in the article.
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