Thursday 27 January 2011


Alright everyone can you take the time to answer this music questionnaire please!
 click here to complete.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Introduction to coursework!

      In the coursework task set i will be using Desk Top Publisher and image manipulation program to produce the front cover of a new music magazine, featuring a photograph of somebody in a medium close-up using appropriate text and a title of the magazine.
     The main task is to create a main page and a contents section with a double page in side spread related to music i can do this in a group of a maximum of 4 members, i will research how best to do the magazine by looking at the current range of magazines on offer in various shops, looking how they set their magazine up, seeing who the potential target audience is. 
     I will eventually be evaluated on how well i have used the technology to create a front page, contents and a double page spread in my coursework whilst managing my time.